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Grow Your Business: Scale your revenue.100% guaranteed.

Our passion is helping you grow.

Book in a call to see if we can help you.


Don't Do It Alone...

Let Us Help.Scale Effortlessly.

custom solutions.

Forget about your marketing, and let us handle everything for you.



We use custom tailored strategy to achieve the goals you've set forward for your business.



We focus on a holisitc approach, how one part interacts with the other to maximise your growth.



We personalise how we help each client with custom tailored solutions to their specific obstacles.

results we've achieved

Grow, Fast.

We understand how to grow a business like yours.

3 Days
To Start Seeing Results
In New Revenue For 1 Client

Who is James Corneille?

James is an entrepreneur from Ireland with expertise in digital marketing and a personal brand that has grown to a community of over 350,000.

James has 19 awards from companies such as Microsoft, AIB and more. He’s been featured in various publications including being listed in the 20 under 20 and 30 under 30.

My Story To Date

I started many businesses from a really young age, some of them would work for a while (Such as my eBay business!), and others not so much (Skizzie, a language learning animated platform).

Eventually, I launched Positivity Pack, a social enterprise with the aim to make someone's day while donating 10% to charity. PP's and my own audience started to grow on Twitter rapidly to a combined number of 650k+, so I "fell into" helping other brands do the same.

From there, IndivMedia was born. Today, I mix my passions of helping others with my love for business to help ambitious entrepreneurs on the journey to their dreams.

Grow Your Business.

If you want to scale your business to the next level, click below to book your call now.

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